Cosmetic Injectables Training


Model FAQ

The decision to have any aesthetic treatment requires careful consideration, and this is no different for our models. We would love to hear from you to find out more about you, what treatments you are considering and if you could join our growing cohort of Interface models. Our team will be happy to answer any specific questions you may have, while most general information can be found here in our FAQ section. Feedback from our models is excellent; this refers to both the experience on the day as well as the results from the treatments carried out. But don’t just take our word for it…

Be a model patient


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Who will carry out the treatments?

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Next accordion title?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam eu dignissim mi. Ut dui nisi, porttitor at maximus ac, facilisis in augue. Nunc vehicula, purus ac porta molestie, arcu lorem congue magna, eget suscipit nisl odio sit amet elit. Sed magna est, ultrices tristique congue ullamcorper, bibendum et lectus. Praesent mollis, massa vel bibendum imperdiet, nisi tellus convallis ante, sit amet consectetur ligula nunc eget leo. Nulla sollicitudin nibh pretium, varius leo id, rhoncus augue. Cras ac nisl at eros maximus tempor ut ac nulla. In hendrerit sapien vitae pulvinar tincidunt.

What can you expect?

The Interface Aesthetics core syllabus covers the theory, practical and business aspects that will form the foundation of your future aesthetic practice.

The Foundation Syllabus consists in:

  • The pharmacology of Botox ® and Dermal Fillers
  • Essential facial anatomy for cosmetic practice
  • Learn to recognise and deal with complications
  • Understand how to approach the ʻaesthetic consultation’
  • Become systematic in your assessment of the face
  • Become confident in selecting the correct product and treatment for your patient
  • Become confident in performing all of the listed foundation techniques

Part 1

The first part of the course is devoted to the use of Botox ® to the upper face:

  • Forehead
  • Brow
  • Eyes (“crows feet”)

Part 2

The second part of the course will cover the use of Dermal Fillers to the face and lips:

  • Lip augmentation
  • Nasolabial fold
  • Marionette Lines
  • Cheek bone augmentation

FACExpert Reel

Training Pathway Reel